The Intimate Wedding

The Intimate Wedding

Intimate weddings are gaining momentum with the gathering limits caused by COVID-19. Couples that wish to proceed with smaller-than-planned weddings have many options. By using resources that are available to them, they can make their special day something that will be remembered by all in attendance. All that it takes is a bit of thought and some planning.

The choices that people have when it comes to intimate weddings are many. You can host the event anywhere that you think is right for you. Backyards, cottages, flower farms or gardens are only a few of the possible locations.


Most couples are choosing to have their weddings outdoors. There are a lot of ways that this can still have a lot of the fancy elements of a big wedding, but often times will cost far less money. The ceremony and the party are often held right after one another in the same location. The potential downfall to this is inclement weather.

One of the first things that you need to consider when having an intimate wedding is the number of guests that will be attending. This can be a bit difficult for some couples to do as they may have large families that they want to have attend the event. We recommend limiting the intimate event to only immediate family to keep the gathering size under current guidelines.

Small weddings are beautiful events that still end in the joining of two hearts. Though the intimate wedding is likely far from the dream wedding day you’ve envisioned, your unique love story will continue to unfold.

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