Current COVID Guidelines

Current COVID Guidelines

No one could have seen a pandemic affecting our lives so greatly, and no one really knows how the next few months will go. Iowa and Illinois are approaching the re-opening process quite differently, but we’re here to clarify what’s currently allowed in each state and give you some pointers for moving forward.


Guidelines in Iowa (as of June 1)—

  • Self-service food/ drink is not allowed, i.e. no buffets, self-serve desserts, etc.

  • Venues, restaurants, and churches are open at 50% capacity with 6-foot social distancing mandate.

  • Frequent hand-washing and enhanced hygiene practices are encouraged.

  • Face masks not required.

  • Guidelines beyond June 17 are unclear.

Current guidelines in Illinois-

  • As of May 29, Illinois will be in Phase 3, allowing gatherings of 10 or fewer.

  • Restaurants are open for pickup, delivery, and outdoor dining in groups of six or fewer. (Though not explicitly stated, limitations on self-service are implied.)

  • Face masks required by executive order when social distancing is not possible.

  • Continued social distancing, frequent hand-washing, and enhanced hygiene practices encouraged.

  • The Restore Illinois plan allows for gathering of up to 50 people once the state reaches Phase Four, anticipated in late June. According to the current plan, gatherings of more than 50 will not be allowed until a vaccine or effective treatment of COVID-19 is found and widely available.


QC Wed Me recommendations—

  1. Check with your venues ASAP regarding their intended procedures. Just because venues CAN open doesn't mean that they WILL open. 

  2. Verify/ alter your dinner plans. The cost of meat has doubled or tripled, in some cases, and buffets are not allowed. Your meal plans will likely be affected. 

  3. Review your budget, as changes may be costly. The industry standard is a non-refundable deposit for any services. But most vendors will refund what you've paid beyond your deposit. 

  4. Make a Plan B. It sucks. No one wants to do it. Maybe that means having a small ceremony on the intended date and a reception next year. Or maybe it involves relocating to a location across the river. Or maybe you'll need to reschedule to 2021. No matter what-- be prepared with a Plan B.

  5. Check out COVID advice from QCA vendors and QC Wed Me's rescheduling resources. 

We know none of this advice makes you feel better about the current situation. It’s incredibly disappointing and frustrating and unfair that this pandemic has affected your wedding day. But your love is forever. It will be there long after this pandemic is gone.

*This information is not intended to be legal advice. Please confirm with your venues and vendors for limitations regarding their specific services.

QC Wed Me is the Quad Cities’ first comprehensive wedding blog and vendor directory. If it’s love and it’s in the QCA, we want to know about it!

Dream it. Plan it. Love it.

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